Friday, December 4, 2009

little Julia...

So, one of my clients stopped by to pick up some images she ordered from a session we did this past summer. While sharing the photographs with Julia's mom, they all brought smiles to us when we recalled the actual session with little miss julia. She started inside, but in typical 2 year old fashion, she just wanted to stay outside and play.....who could blame her? I just followed her around, played peek a boo behind trees, ran barefoot with her, and when her Daddy showed up, she giggled and ran straight to his open arms! Which, by the way, created a very cute Christmas constantly be reminded of how wonderful those hugs can be!! And, even though summer seems far doesn't seem like June was so long ago when we photographed her playing! The days are just a flyin, and with the craziness of the holidays about to take sure to keep those hugs coming!!!!

so I've been bad at keeping my blog current...

So.....yes, I've been not a good blogger at all. The holiday rush of sessions and editing and Christmas card designing has been wonderfully busy!! Just barely keeping my head above water with the day to day business, but let's just add another bit of craziness and decide to get a new puppy! We brought home "Gunnar" last Saturday, after many months of deciding whether or not to add to an already crazy schedule. But, so far, so good....he's been a quick learner so far, just a few messes, but a fun little buddy for me during the day. His constant need to go outside at this age is keeping me from totally becoming "one" with my computer chair while trying to keep all my session processing "on time", so actually, it's a good thing! He's a Vizsla, 12 weeks old, and just LOVES being by us. And, actually, we kinda like it too! More to follow!!